Your data at a glance
See how much you've earned
No more guestimating when it comes to earnings. Datasprout shows you exactly how much you've earned.
Quickly compare data to see performance
Datasprout automatically compares your results against the previous period so you can quickly see if you're on the right track or if it's time to switch gears.

Fully secure and always available
Everything is handled by your browser
Your sales data is processed by your browser so you can always see how we handle your data.
Great uptime
Since everything is done by your browser you don't need to rely on us for your data. It works as long as Amazon does!
Beautiful Charts
Charts for everything!
See charts for earnings, paid downloads, physical copies sold, pages read, and free downloads.
Visualize your progress
Comparison charts show you how you're doing now against how you did in the previous period.
See your growth
A trend line shows if you're growing or shrinking.

Write more top-selling books
Write more of what your readers are already loving.
Datasprout lets you quickly see which books are performing and which aren't with a sortable list!

Filter your sales data
Quickly filter by date, author, or book to get more in-depth insights.

Fully Customizable
Custom KENP rates
Feeling optimistic? Set your KENP rate a bit higher or use our auto setting to automatically use the latest rate.
Earnings in your currency
Select your own currency to see earnings in figures you can understand.
Even More configuration
Datasprout is fully customizable so you can tweak it to your specific author needs.
Download the free browser extension today!
Datasprout is free for most authors and only $10/m for high earners after the 14 day free trial.
Currently, only Firefox on Android supports mobile extensions so please use that version on your Android phone/tablet.